Use Herbs and Supplements  to boost Fertility – Herbal supplements nourishes your reproductive system, helps balancing hormones and boots egg health.

While diet and lifestyle often do a lot to reverse infertility, some women notice better or faster results with the help of natural supplements and herbs. The single most important supplement that I’ve seen help women increase fertility, is Cod Liver Oil, which is also excellent for a developing baby and a healthy pregnancy.

These herbs are also often recommended to help increase fertility:

  • Red Raspberry Leaf–A well know fertility herb that is also good during pregnancy. It has a high nutrient profile and is especially high in calcium and is a uterine tonic. It is available in capsule form, but makes an excellent hot or cold tea.
  • Red Clover– Has a very high vitamin content and contains almost every trace mineral. It has been known to help balance hormones and restore fertility.
  • Maca– A hormone balancing herb that is known throughout the world for its fertility and vitality promoting properties. Good for both men and women to increase fertility, though women should only take between menses and ovulation and discontinue to make sure it is not taken during pregnancy. It is a very potent herb that often has very noticeable effects on fertility. It comes in powder form orcapsule form.
  • Vitex/Chaste Tree Berry– Nourishes the pituitary gland and helps lengthen the luteal phase. It lowers prolactin and raises progesterone. For some women, this alone will increase fertility.
  • Shatavari – Shatavari,a well-known herb known to boost fertility in men and women both. It improves and support your reproductive functions and increase chances of conception. Shatavari balances female hormones, relieves stress, improves ovulation, improves secretion of cervical mucus and reduces toxins build up.
  • Tribulusaerial parts and fruit (Tribulus terrestris): Tribulus may normalize ovulation when used prior to ovulation. It may help to increase sex hormone production, specifically serum FSH and estradiol levels in women.

IMPORTANT: Do not take any of these herbs in combination with fertility drugs, hormone treatments, or hormonal birth control! As with any herbs, supplements, or medication, consult a doctor or health care professional about your specific case and do your own research!

Vitamins that promote fertility:

  • Vitamin D-Vitamin D deficiency is very common in America, especially during the winter, and can be very detrimental to overall health. Recent studies link inadequate vitamin D with infertility and miscarriage. Have your levels checked to find out how much you need.
  • Vitamin C– A potent antioxidant, vitamin C is good for both male and female infertility. Aim for at least 2,000 mg a day pre-conception.
  • Folate– Folate (not folic acid) is well known as a necessary vitamin in early pregnancy to prevent complications, but it is most beneficial when taken for several month before the pregnancy as well as during. It helps cell division and promotes ovulation. Some natural doctors recommend taking up to 5,000 micrograms a day and women hoping to get pregnant should take at least 2,000 micrograms a day. It is important to note that many people have trouble using the synthetic form, folic acid, and do better with folate or methylfolate.
  • Zinc-Very important for cell division including sperm production and ovulation. Best when taken in combination with b-vitamins.
  • Selenium– Helps protect the body from free radicals and protects sperm and egg. Known to help cell division and might prevent miscarriage.
  • B-Vitamins– Deficiency of b-vitamins is common in anyone who consumes large amounts of processed foods, grains or sugars. Optimizing b vitamin levels can increase lutenizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone to improve fertility.

Natural Progesterone Cream

Infertility struggles can often be linked to specific hormone imbalances. Especially for those with short cycles or short second phase of their cycle (ovulation through start of menses), progesterone can be the issue. I’ve seen people add only natural progesterone cream and conceive and carry a healthy pregnancy within a month or two. When using progesterone cream, it is important to do research, work with a specialist, make sure you have a good brand that is soy-free and only use for the second half of your cycle (ovulation through menses).

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